03 March 2022


✅ In the News: Researchers from the Raman Research 
Institute (RRI), Bengaluru, have resolved the mystery 
of the antimatter counterpart of the electrons called Positron and Positron Excess Phenomenon.
✅Antimatter is the opposite of normal matter. More specifically,the
sub-atomic particles of antimatter have properties opposite those of normal matter.
✅For example, the electrical charge of antimatter particles is reversed.
✅Antimatter was created along with matter after 
the Big Bang. But in today’s universe, antimatter is 
rare. For example, Positron.
◾️Positron or anti-electron
✅A Positron is an
antimatter counterpart to an electron.
✅A positron has the equal or same mass as an electron.
✅But the electron has a Negative Electric Charge
whereas Positron has a
Positive electric Charge. 
Positron Excess
✅Over the years scientists observed an excess of positrons having the energy of more than 10 GeV.

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